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Hotfix v2.1
February 03, 2025
Rose Arcana Games
Just a quick update to squash some of the bugs that appeared in the new version 2.0. Thanks to everyone who reported bugs! I know there are more out there, so keep reporting when you find them. I appr...
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The Radiants v2.0 is HERE!
January 26, 2025
Rose Arcana Games
What’s New CG Gallery Relive your favorite moments! You can now view and review every CG scene you have unlocked so far. How to Access: Navigate to the title menu and select "Gallery". All unlocked...
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Hotfix v1.1.5
August 10, 2023
Rose Arcana Games
Hotfix v1.1.5 is available! Please update your game regularly if you are experiencing bugs. I'm fixing lots of them :)...
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The Radiants v1.1 Patch is out now!
August 02, 2023
Rose Arcana Games
Hello everyone! I have released a quick update to take care of some of the major issues we've found on release day. I will continue to work on squashing any additional bugs in the coming days. So plea...
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The Radiants has been released!
July 31, 2023
Rose Arcana Games
Release day is finally here! Please enjoy the game! If you have bugs to report, feel free to contact us at rosearcanagames @
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Release is coming!
June 12, 2023
Rose Arcana Games
HELLO! I'm here to give you a quick update on what's happening in development. Testing/Polishing phase has taken longer than originally planned, BUT we are finally seeing the light at the end of the t...
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Fall 2022 Update!
November 07, 2022
Rose Arcana Games
#update, #devlog
Hello everyone! Happy Fall! Sorry for lack of updates the last couple months. I've been hard at work, but got a bit delayed due to some unexpected health issues I've been dealing with. But that hasn't...
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April '22 Update
April 11, 2022
Rose Arcana Games
Greetings and happy April! Despite the last few months going by in a blink, things are still progressing smoothly and I'm still planning on a 2022 release. (fingers crossed!) Lately, the majority of t...
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Demo v2.1 Now Available!
February 08, 2022
Rose Arcana Games
Happy New Year! There's a NEW version of the public demo for The Radiants available for download! This update includes some bug fixes as well as added assets that were missing in the previous version...
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Winter Devlog
November 17, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
Greetings! I hope everyone had a spooky Halloween and are getting ready for a magical winter. First of all, a HUGE thank you to everyone who has downloaded the demo and supported the game here on itch...
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Kickstarter Home Stretch!
May 10, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
One Week Left! With one week left in the Kickstarter campaign, I wanted to share an update on how things are progressing! We've made our first stretch goal, and are closing in on the second one. So pl...
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100% Funded! Plus details on stretch goals
April 24, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
We did it! We reached our funding goal! Thanks to everyone that pledged or shared. You have made this possible! So what's next? Well, the hard part is over. With the game funded I'll be moving forward...
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Kickstarter is LIVE!!!!
April 18, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
It's time! The Radiants Kickstarter is officially live! CLICK HERE!!!...
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Kickstarter Reward Preview: Character Designer
April 11, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
If you've played the demo for The Radiants, you will have run across various students in the halls of Serenvale that will get you involved in some mini quests on the weekends. Currently these students...
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Kickstarter Reward Preview: Physical Packs
April 08, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
Digital rewards are great, but sometimes you just wanna have something you can actually hold. That's why I created 3 versions of the physical pack so you can decide how much loot you want to take home...
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Kickstarter Reward Preview: Alpha Tester
April 05, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
The opinions of the players is valuable. I had a small group of close friends test the demo for The Radiants before it went live, and their opinions helped shape what it became. I made changes based o...
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Kickstarter Reward Preview: The Lorebook
April 02, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
Do you like lore? Me too! I think this is one of the pledge rewards I am most excited about. During the conception of The Radiants, I've written a LOT of lore about the world, characters, etc... that...
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Updates! New official romance route plus Kickstarter scheduled!
March 20, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
Hello again! This is just a brief post to make some announcements of things coming for The Radiants. Kickstarter Coming! I've been working hard on getting the KS page ready - and I am planning to laun...
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More about the stat system in The Radiants
March 03, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
Some people really love stat-raisers, while others find them to be very stressful or tedious. Personally, I Iove stat-raisers, but I am not the type of player that enjoys using a guide in order to get...
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Bug Fixes, Steam Release, and Kickstarter
February 27, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
#updates, #bug fixes
Hello again! Bug Fixes The PC version of the demo has been updated with some bug fixes, including removing those pesky tooltips that kept appearing and refusing to leave the screen. HOPEFULLY, that wi...
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Demo v1.4 is now available!
February 18, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
Hello! I've uploaded the first minor update for The Radiants demo. It's mostly minor bug fixes, but here's a list of what has been updated: Fixed issue with screen getting cut off when changing screen...
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Mac version fixed!
February 15, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
Thanks to everyone who let me know there was an issue with the MAC download. The issue should be fixed now, so Mac users, please try the download again!...
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Demo is released!
February 13, 2021
Rose Arcana Games
#visual novel, #romance, #dating sim, #demo release
The Radiants Demo Released! After over a year of work, the demo for The Radiants is finally ready for release! As this is the first release, there are still plenty of things that need to be done befor...
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