Demo v1.4 is now available!

Hello! I've uploaded the first minor update for The Radiants demo. It's mostly minor bug fixes, but here's a list of what has been updated:

  • Fixed issue with screen getting cut off when changing screen resolution. The game window is now resizable, so if your resolution is not supported, you can resize the window to your liking.
  • Fixed issue with some character's mouths disappearing during animation. This issue seems to happen randomly, so if you happen to notice it in your playthrough, please let me know!
  • Temporarily disabled pause menu while on the map screen due to unexpected behaviors. You will still be able to save before and after entering the map screen, but for now, saving on this screen is disabled. 
  • Fixed some typos! I am sure there are plenty more, feel free to point them out when you find them!

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